Saturday, October 7, 2023

Dream... Dream... Dream!!

So many dreams last night and the nights before... I ask that God brings them back to my remembrance as well as their interpretation.


   I do remember a dream about me and Veronica in a "new house" or different big house... in raggedy neighborhood but big 3 bedroom house. As we were getting ready for bed, I noticed Veronica (an elementary school age-version of her) got into my bed. I saw some familiar looking guy in a bedroom of the house. He was like... "I came here to help ya'll out and make sure ya'll safe." This did not make sense to me but, I didn't ask him to leave. This was strange because in my mind I was thinking... who is this? how did he get in? why is he here? who is gonna be here when he is here? what if Veronica comes home from school and he is there? Even with these thoughts, I did not ask him to leave. I did notice he was on the phone with someone before I went to bed. I thought it was his girlfriend.

    Veronica slept in the bed with me. In the morning, the police were ALL OVER my house. That guy had been chopped up and murdered in my home!!!!!!!!!! They were putting the cubic pieces of him into a clear plastic evidence bag. No police questioned me. No one even tried to talk to me about what happened to that dude.

My interpretation: God eliminated a familiar spirit in my life... No spirit husband or evil covenant for me and my house. Thank you Lord.

Two days later... I was dream about traveling with friends and family. A lot of good natured fun when a gentleman that I lust after showed up in my dream. He tried to take me somewhere to be intimate and I CAUGHT MYSELF IN THE DREAM!!!!!!! I said I will NOT sin or be impure or dishonor God. I will not restore ANY EVIL COVENANT!! This "guy" was trying to get me to have sex and just "let go" and "enjoy" NO SIR!!!!!!!!

I renounce this dream in the NAME of Jesus. I repent from all unclean desires and sin in Jesus Name. I break EVERY evil covenant. I MAKE A PUBLIC DECLARATION!!!!!! I am in covenant with Jesus Christ ALONE!

Check Out this Video:

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