Sunday, August 4, 2024

🎶🎶🎶Baby I'm Back!!

Today... missed church, but listened to my daughter and then YOUversion MSG read the Bible. Yo... i am NOT giving up!!! 

Yo... i am 46 years old and I don't have what I though I would at this age... so... hmmmm... I'm going to keep fasting, praying and being consistent. This consistency journey has been EYE opening. I can see where i have NOT made connects in life because I stopped.

  • I could be fluent in español... if I practices 3 times a week, but I stopped.
  • I could have received my PhD in Mechanical Engineering if I had not stopped.
  • I could have the ballet/fitness model/400m hurdler physique I want... if I had started!!
  • I believe my relationship with GOD would be SO MUCH MORE... if I stop stopping.
  • I would have digital products, e-courses and e-books if I stop stopping.
  • My podcast would be consistent if I stop stopping.
  • I would have a REAL blog if I stopped stopping.
  • I would have completed many purchased e-courses if I had STOPPED STOPPING.

So... I am going to write the vision and make it plain... print it out and place it everywhere. To see and do... I will be detailed and GO TO GOD FIRST... I do not like feeling like I've wasted my life and skills and talents... Lord, help me.

I did the VISION STORY COURSE... while i was a member of the 48 days community and I WILL be revisiting it. This is my Write the Vision and Make it Plain Pathway... Due to an impending Black Out... I will be printing it out so I can do it with fidelity.

Lord God, please do not let me waste my life, years and talents running after the cares of life and NEVER abiding in your presence or fulfilling YOUR mandates for my life. Please, help me Lord. I do not want to waste my life, abilities, talents, gifts or anything else. I want what you want for me Lord.

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🎶🎶🎶Baby I'm Back!!