Wednesday, October 25, 2023

still a fitness model

What I want to do with my life.... There are a few things that I have not changed my mind about. I want to be in the best shape possible. I want to have my full range of flexibility and I want my muscles to be fully toned. I do not want to feel old and sad and stiff and broken down. I will be a fitness model. I will be dedicated to the exercise regimen. I'll be dedicated to eating healthy and drinking water. I'll be dedicated to traveling and enjoying my life too!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

About this morning...

So, this morning when I woke up I was listening to a YouTube message. The strange thing about it was that it was a message that I almost had listened to another time. It was called like how to have a yoke breaking anointing or something like that...

I thank God for confirming that it's not too late... and how to follow God... and how to overcome fear... Prosperity is for ME!! EVERYTHING IS WORKING FOR MY GOOD.

I am also a watchman on the tower. I need to be a cheetah 🐆... The cheetah I am runs so fast... 50% on the ground... 50% in the air... Which means... I must spend MORE AND MOST of my time in the spirit.

Nothing is possible in the spirit... God can and will and does accelerate folks... His children... This includes me... A long wait is not always a delay... But... No matter what I must be:
1. Passionate
2. Compassionate
3. Aggressive
4. Holy
5. Humble... Pride kills and God resist the proud
6. No thing is IMPOSSIBLE 

👍1828 Webster Dictionary
👍The Passion Translation
...the NIV is leaving out scriptures... Beware... "Nearly Inspired Version" 😆

Any translation that cancels out the power of God ain't it.

Dr. Kevin Sadai👀👀👀

Friday, October 13, 2023

Good Morning Holy Spirit...

 I woke up this morning with a strong desire to do something to help... in the world... I KNOW that I can pray so I am starting from there.

What can I do? I can pray.

I also has a dream... I got on the airplane with a with Toccoa without a ticket... we went to some Spanish speaking country... In the dream, they claimed Felicia Rashad as a citizen... the airplane suddenly started taking of and I was like... "They taking of with me in here?!... I don't have a ticket." I was thinking oh well... free trip for me. When we got there is was like we were in Nicaragua or San Salvador... the places with guerilla warfare back in the 80's. 

I was walking around admiring the buildings and architecture and landscape, but something seemed off or hidden. People looked like they were working but weary and wary of what may happen soon. In my gut... I wanted to go home... Suddenly I was in a classroom like place and they were showing horrible imageson the smart board of lots of teenage people attacking... they were dressed like... the kids i've seen in iran and iraq in the 80's... lots of running and beating people up and raping women and girls if they could detect that they were women and girls... BUT LOTS AND LOTS of BEATINGS... savage beating with their hands and feet.

Instantly,  i was like i need to get to the airport and leave... but i have no car and no money... and i must avoid these bad people disguised as teenagers having fun.

I asked someone where to go to get to the airport... after he told me where the airport was... everyone's face around me started to disappear. I was like blurry and no features... As I say that happening... i realized these no face people were trying to surround me and hold me. I start to run and then i broke away from them...

i started doing parkour to getaway from these "people"...whenever they tried to surround me... i would climb over them... i kNEW i could NOT let them get me... i kept running, climbing, hiding... then woke up... althrough the dream I KNEW i had super abilities that can help me get away... just as long as i don't give up

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Dream... Dream... Dream!!

So many dreams last night and the nights before... I ask that God brings them back to my remembrance as well as their interpretation.


   I do remember a dream about me and Veronica in a "new house" or different big house... in raggedy neighborhood but big 3 bedroom house. As we were getting ready for bed, I noticed Veronica (an elementary school age-version of her) got into my bed. I saw some familiar looking guy in a bedroom of the house. He was like... "I came here to help ya'll out and make sure ya'll safe." This did not make sense to me but, I didn't ask him to leave. This was strange because in my mind I was thinking... who is this? how did he get in? why is he here? who is gonna be here when he is here? what if Veronica comes home from school and he is there? Even with these thoughts, I did not ask him to leave. I did notice he was on the phone with someone before I went to bed. I thought it was his girlfriend.

    Veronica slept in the bed with me. In the morning, the police were ALL OVER my house. That guy had been chopped up and murdered in my home!!!!!!!!!! They were putting the cubic pieces of him into a clear plastic evidence bag. No police questioned me. No one even tried to talk to me about what happened to that dude.

My interpretation: God eliminated a familiar spirit in my life... No spirit husband or evil covenant for me and my house. Thank you Lord.

Two days later... I was dream about traveling with friends and family. A lot of good natured fun when a gentleman that I lust after showed up in my dream. He tried to take me somewhere to be intimate and I CAUGHT MYSELF IN THE DREAM!!!!!!! I said I will NOT sin or be impure or dishonor God. I will not restore ANY EVIL COVENANT!! This "guy" was trying to get me to have sex and just "let go" and "enjoy" NO SIR!!!!!!!!

I renounce this dream in the NAME of Jesus. I repent from all unclean desires and sin in Jesus Name. I break EVERY evil covenant. I MAKE A PUBLIC DECLARATION!!!!!! I am in covenant with Jesus Christ ALONE!

Check Out this Video: