Saturday, October 14, 2023

About this morning...

So, this morning when I woke up I was listening to a YouTube message. The strange thing about it was that it was a message that I almost had listened to another time. It was called like how to have a yoke breaking anointing or something like that...

I thank God for confirming that it's not too late... and how to follow God... and how to overcome fear... Prosperity is for ME!! EVERYTHING IS WORKING FOR MY GOOD.

I am also a watchman on the tower. I need to be a cheetah 🐆... The cheetah I am runs so fast... 50% on the ground... 50% in the air... Which means... I must spend MORE AND MOST of my time in the spirit.

Nothing is possible in the spirit... God can and will and does accelerate folks... His children... This includes me... A long wait is not always a delay... But... No matter what I must be:
1. Passionate
2. Compassionate
3. Aggressive
4. Holy
5. Humble... Pride kills and God resist the proud
6. No thing is IMPOSSIBLE 

👍1828 Webster Dictionary
👍The Passion Translation
...the NIV is leaving out scriptures... Beware... "Nearly Inspired Version" 😆

Any translation that cancels out the power of God ain't it.

Dr. Kevin Sadai👀👀👀

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