Saturday, April 24, 2010

3rd Saturday Prayer

Messages from God:
-minister out of your joy
-God forgave you, no forgive yourself
-wait for real love!!
-God is grooming the man of God for me that will love and appreciate me for who i am
-i am teaching just for a season
-this is just a TEST
-rekindle the friendship with my cuz
-we need to pray and exercise together


i still haven't started exercising yet... because i'm lazy... not real super deep explanation... just your basic average... L-A-Z-Y

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

what i ate today

Hot sausage
2 Pickled eggs
2 caprisuns
Hot sausage
35¢ bag of salt and vinegar
Bonton hot corn chips
Half gallon chocolate milk

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lunch - bacon chicken wrap... french fries... m&m chocolate frosty
Breakfast - burger king breakfast bowl. Snack - 2 35 cent bag of salt and vinegar chips
Let's see what going on with my diet...
...oops ... I WILL be fine B-)
Well... I've decided to document my weightloss battle... stuggle and victory... 1 pic per week... it ain't pretty... but it WILL be fine