Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Okay today was kind of weird and awesome all at the same time so I went to Boca Raton community middle school for an interview to be there new middle school math teacher it was going to buy my friend and don't come on she's cool and awesome and she actually was rooting for which I really appreciate because sometimes of black you know I don't have friends but they're going to come up and feeling sorry for myself and I need to work on that also after the interview it went pretty well same kind of regular but they were rushing because there's testing have to do but I appreciate them at least observing me and listen to what I had to say was kind of nice so after that all I spoke with other teachers and me were really cool like a lot of camaraderie and we enjoyed being here all that wonderful things would you just like to see if you go to work somewhere so I can I say you know what I'm in Boca to let me go by after you check on my own stuff around see what's going on because I want to go to for a while and I had fun walking around and had to get a ticket here to get there blah blah blah $2 for parking on this other things love walking around went to I try to find my old Spanish teacher Ramona around down but I cannot find work there so I'm going to make sure that I can just get in touch me to learn how much I appreciate her and everything she's done and then I'm kind of working on my Spanish little bit too will after that I don't walk all over the place I went to the old engineering building talking about seeing you know how much I need to do to finish the finish line mechanic engineering degree in walked around and walk in walk to come out they build up the campus was the last of my Benton and trailers in like 2 years maybe but is even more than finish to Brandon Engineering Building light show you everything you say the RSO family of scary just sheer and utter terradon fancy everything is almost feel like I don't belong there like about a place but that's a prescription and I'm working on them through when I was over there in the mechanical engineering office or just the general office for engineering and Andrew right now its name of Andrew and it was mad mad who is like my cousin your marriage you too late to do all that all that he's the one with the same exact. We have a physics major he was going to take the GRE in physics and go to the grocery business for grad school and everything then I found out that well come to find out he's going to be enrolled at FAU in January he's on the ceiling is masters in computer science to get some undergrad courses have to take first who is going to be underground as well get the second bachelors and then transferring to the Graduate department for computer science and it's funny because I was very similar reasons different major I want to finish my mechanical engineering degree that was my my dream I go what I want to do with most things that is non negotiable I'm doing it so that's what I went there for and it just lined up cuz we both back at school except me knows FAU the time he's worse than when is agree on the grill going mind and looks like we may even finished around the same time as I start in January I was already having second thoughts and questions IPC thank you know it was a good catalyst to give me back in to go to school you can do it then the help me find out that I did not financial aid there's money out there for me hate my name yeah yeah yes yes yes funny alright I forgot to turn this little speaker thing. Gone so I had to say and dictating a little more we don't understand what you're mad about his own business and non profit which is basically a consultant and Ferb and there's a place for me if I get all my stuff together on my ducks in the roads are okay that's morning somebody to do what I need to do if I want to be in consulting with you some more than just helping my some of my company I'm going to make you ever need help recovery from a buddy with Agency job search out from now seek out from hell seek out some help get him get him get him just one at those things to what I was saying because you know so many PlayStation write down what happens if you remember the market what's happenin meet meeting and was truly a divine on coincidence and I look harder than we can have my school day in the future just name the brand name

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