Sunday, March 8, 2015

7 Ways Exercise Makes You Smarter

Hotter body, smarter cerebrum: Exercise offers a pretty sweet deal. Here are seven ways that working out—whether you like to run, lift weights, or play sports—can help you stay focused...

1. Regular Exercise Boosts Your Decision-Making Skills

-Your brain needs oxygen to do its thang, and women who exercise have more oxygen flowing through their brains' anterior frontal regions

-Psychophysiology study finding that women who exercise outperform their peers on cognitively difficult

2. Sports Make You a Better Map Reader

Having to think through how your body will move through space—whether it's around your opponents, across a field, or into the air—improves your ability to perform mental rotation.

3. Strength Training Strengthens Your Focus

Strength training—granted you're doing it right—takes a lot of focus.

4. Endurance Exercise Helps You Stick with Your Plans

-When you hit the road for a long run, you're not just improving your body's ability to sustain long, grueling tasks. You're also training your mind...

-The ability to overcome that pull is critical to multitasking on the job and sticking with long-term plans and goals, according to researchers.

5. Sprinting Improves Your Memory

6. Yoga Helps You Process Info Faster

-A single 20-minute bout of yoga improved college students' ability to quickly and accurately process information

-It only took 30 minutes for the brain-boosting benefits to kick in.

7. Exercise Helps You Pick Up Your Productivity

-When you're swamped, it can be hard to close your computer and hit the gym.

-Again, exercise increases the amount of oxygen sent to the brain, increasing your energy and making you sharper.

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