Sunday, January 17, 2010

you know... i thought that once i became an adult i would just KNOW what wanted to do with my life. I figured tha once i reached a certain age things would just fall into place... some kind of way... i was wrong and now i'm still trying to downsize my life ambitions into a nice and neat to do list. Here is what i want to do with my life in no particular order:

1. ballroom dance (latin of course)
2. be fluent in spanish
3. lose just enough weight to wear my clothes from last year
4. exercise 3 times a week EVERY week
5. read my bible daily
6. meditate daily
7. get PhD in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Robotics
8. get some real and true honest-to-God friends to do friend things with
9. go to a black tie function twice a year!! at least
10. get masters in Spanish
11. work from home making at least $45,000
12. get degree in graphic design
13. open a youth center that's 24 hours because nowadays alot of kids just don't have to/or don't want to go home
14. learn how to sew clothes that i wiuld actually wear
15. upgrade my wardrobe to reflect my age without looking like a dull librarian
16. be a fitness model... or be asked if i am a fitness model on a regular basis
17. get 8+ hours of sleep every night
18. eat healthy everyday... healthy snacks too
19. find a great guy... or twelve to hang out with and date... nothing serious
20. be an awesomely great mommy without losing myself but with embracing my child

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